The Metafit™ bodyweight training system is an effective and simple for fitness, looking for the most effective group workout that gets big results. To burn fat you need to change the resting metabolism, work big muscle groups with high intensity intervals and get quick results. The Metafit workout can be taught as a studio class, small group session.
Metafit uses the principles of Tabata training or High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) as it’s more popularly known as. Tabata comes from a study carried out in 1996 by Japanese scientist Izumi Tabata and his colleagues to compare moderate intensity training with high intensity training. They took 2 groups, one group working at 70% intensity (the fat-burning zone) for 1 hour, 5 days a week for 6 weeks. The other group worked at a much higher intensity (170%) for 4 days a week for 6 weeks. They’re workouts lasted just 4 minutes and involved drills of working for 20 seconds with 10 second recoveries.
The results of the study were incredible. The group performing the moderate intensity workouts made improvements to their cardiovascular fitness but little or no difference to their muscles. The group performing the high intensity workouts made slightly better improvements to their cardio fitness than the other group and also enjoyed a 28% increase on their anaerobic capacity (muscles). What this means is that while long distance running, cycling etc will improve your fitness and body composition (fat loss) but it will take a long time for it to happen.
It will take around 15-20mins at least to get your heart rate up high enough and you need to maintain that for at least an hour to make any significant difference. HIIT will get you better results in a much shorter space of time. Not only that, but this style of training will raise your metabolism meaning that you will continue to burn calories long after the workout has finished. Raising your metabolism will improve your ability to burn fat. Metafit classes last 30 minutes and uses bodyweight exercises which target the largest muscle groups in the body for greater effect. There is no need to use any equipment.
This is not an endurance class so there’s no need for you to pace yourself to avoid looking like the least fit person in the room. Everyone should be putting in their maximum effort. There is no choreography so don’t worry if you don’t know your left from your right.
Metafit uses the principles of Tabata training or High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) as it’s more popularly known as. Tabata comes from a study carried out in 1996 by Japanese scientist Izumi Tabata and his colleagues to compare moderate intensity training with high intensity training. They took 2 groups, one group working at 70% intensity (the fat-burning zone) for 1 hour, 5 days a week for 6 weeks. The other group worked at a much higher intensity (170%) for 4 days a week for 6 weeks. They’re workouts lasted just 4 minutes and involved drills of working for 20 seconds with 10 second recoveries.
The results of the study were incredible. The group performing the moderate intensity workouts made improvements to their cardiovascular fitness but little or no difference to their muscles. The group performing the high intensity workouts made slightly better improvements to their cardio fitness than the other group and also enjoyed a 28% increase on their anaerobic capacity (muscles). What this means is that while long distance running, cycling etc will improve your fitness and body composition (fat loss) but it will take a long time for it to happen.
It will take around 15-20mins at least to get your heart rate up high enough and you need to maintain that for at least an hour to make any significant difference. HIIT will get you better results in a much shorter space of time. Not only that, but this style of training will raise your metabolism meaning that you will continue to burn calories long after the workout has finished. Raising your metabolism will improve your ability to burn fat. Metafit classes last 30 minutes and uses bodyweight exercises which target the largest muscle groups in the body for greater effect. There is no need to use any equipment.
This is not an endurance class so there’s no need for you to pace yourself to avoid looking like the least fit person in the room. Everyone should be putting in their maximum effort. There is no choreography so don’t worry if you don’t know your left from your right.