Children's Taekwon-do Training
We teach children from the age of 4 to 13. They are grouped as Li'l Dragons for ages 4-6, juniors for ages 7-13 and cadets for ages 14-16. At the age of 14-16 they are merged into the adult class.
What price do you put on a child's development?
We believe the wish of every parent is for their children to grow up healthy, happy, respectful and confident enough to stand on their own two feet; coping with whatever life throws their way. TAE KWON-DO is arguably one of the best ways of achieving this.
We believe the wish of every parent is for their children to grow up healthy, happy, respectful and confident enough to stand on their own two feet; coping with whatever life throws their way. TAE KWON-DO is arguably one of the best ways of achieving this.
An example of the benfits of Taekwondo is in one of our childrens End of Year Local Nursery Report: "Since joining nursery Ryan has blossomed into a lovely, sociable, caring, confident little boy. He plays well both independantly and with others. He has a strong circle of friends. I am sure that the growth in Ryan's confidence is largely due to him attending taekwondo. Where as before he would be anxious if there was a change in routine / a new person came into nursery. This no longer is the case and he now usually is the first in line to introduce himself, which is lovely to see! he now has a positive approach to new experiences and a high level of involvement in activities."